The Beloved Found Blaye, France +12 years oldRecommended minimum age ±1h30 minDuration of the mission ±1.5 kmDistance to travel Difficulty Your mission “ A temporal rift has just occurred! Jaufré Rudel, Lord of Blaye and renowned troubadour, found himself in the late...
Missing Bordeaux, France +12 years oldRecommended minimum age ±45 minDuration of the mission ±0 kmDistance to travel Difficulty Your mission “ A professor from the University of Bordeaux Montaigne disappeared during a research trip in 1883. His disappearance worries...
The Hunt Bordeaux, France +12 years oldRecommended minimum age ±60minDuration of the mission ±1.5 kmDistance to travel Difficulty Your mission “ The Syndicate is preparing a new attack to plunder history. Our information states that they are looking for treasure in...
Without reference points Bordeaux, France +8 years oldRecommended minimum age ±30minDuration of the mission ±500 mDistance to travel Difficulty Your mission “ We have information of an unauthorized trip in 1889. The individual seems to be after Valentine Haussmann,...
A sparkling flight Saint-Émilion, France +8 years oldRecommended minimum age ±60 minDuration of the mission ±1 kmDistance to travel Difficulty Your mission “ An individual was arrested after returning from a trip in 1550 to the Cordeliers cloister. He was carrying a...